University of Bristol Trans-Continental Expedition 1960 — 61 
The support
Details from the General Report of the Trans- Continental Expedition published in November 1961
Many of the individuals may have died and many of the companies have either ceased trading or will have merged with others - Editor -2009


  • Senior President; Prof.R.F.Peel, MA
  • Senior Treasurer, Dr A.C.Hunt, MD.
  • Student President: 1961/62: Mr.C Finney
  • Student Secretary 1961/62: Mr.J. L Chudley

Victoria Rooms, Bristol 8, Telephone 3-4383

The Society exists "to encourage and promote expeditions designed for educational or scientific research, and to encourage interest in such activities."


  • Approved by the Royal Geographical Society
  • Patron: The Rt. Hon.The Lord Mayor of Bristol


  • Chairman: The Vice-Chancellor of the University Sir Philip Morris,CBE., M.A.,L.L.D.
  • Secretary:
  • The Permanent Secretary of the University of Bristol Student's Union
  • The Senior President of the Expeditions Society
  • The Senior Treasurer of the Expeditions Society
  • The Senior Treasurer of the University of Bristol Student's Union
  • Advisers:
  • Dr.F.G. Hannel B.Sc., PhD.
  • Dr.Alan Rogers, M.D.

The Expedition expresses its gratitude to...

The Dulverton Trust, Shell International,The Bristol United Press Ltd, British American Tobacco Ltd, Television Wales and West Ltd,The Medical Research Council, The Society of Merchant Venturers,Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd, Henlys[Bristol] Ltd,The Metal Box Co Ltd.

We are particularly indebted for advice and assistance to the following organisations and individuals in Great Britain....

The Duke of Beaufort,  Mr.J.H. Britton,  Mr.Bancroft Clarke,  Sir Havergal Downes-Shaw,  Dr.Oliver Lloyd, Mr.H.P.Lucas,  Mr.A.M.McWatters,  Mr.Norman Ricketts,  Sir Foster Robinson,  Lord Sinclair of Cleeve,   Mr. A.C.V. Telling

Transport The Austin Motor Co. Ltd, C.C.Wakefield & Co.Ltd, Dunlop Rubber Co.Ltd., Holts Products Ltd.

Camping Eastwood Plastics Ltd, Hardipick Ltd, John James Hawley Ltd, J.F. Kenure Ltd, Latafoam Ltd, J.M. Millett & Sons Ltd, National Pressure Cooker Co. Ltd, Raywarp Textiles Ltd, Thermoplastics Ltd, Yeo Bros & Paull Ltd.

Clothing British Van Heusen Co. Ltd, C. & J. Clark Ltd, Lee Cooper Ltd, Denham & Hargrave Ltd, Dent, Allcroft & Co. Ltd, Derham Bros. Ltd, Fox Brothers, D. Gurteen & Sons Ltd, T.C. Marsh & Sons Ltd, J.W. Millett & Sons Ltd, Morlands (Glastonbury), Pakamac Ltd, Robert Shaw & Co. Ltd, Wolsey Ltd.

Photographic Burgess Lane & Co. Ltd, J. Barcham Green Ltd, I.P. Cross Ltd, Envoy (Photographic Instruments) Ltd, Evans Electroselenium Ltd, The Ever Ready Co. Ltd, E.R. Holloway Sales Ltd, Kentmere Ltd, E.N. Mason & Co. Ltd, May & Baker (Photographic) Ltd, Radioscope Ltd, Ralph Norris Ltd, Salanson Ltd, Sangamo Western Ltd, Taylor Taylor Hobson Ltd, F.G. Warne Ltd, Wray Ltd.

Food Anglo-Swiss Food Products Ltd, Atkinsons (Windermere) Ltd, Avery & Co. Ltd, Batchelors Foods Ltd, British Fish Canners Ltd, Bowyers (Wiltshire Bacon) Ltd, Carsons Ltd, Danish Agricultural Producers, Duttson & Knight Ltd, F.B. Estcourt Ltd, The Express Dairy Co. Ltd, Georges & Co. Ltd, Golden Glow Ltd, John Harvey & Sons Ltd, W.H. & F.J. Horniman & Co. Ltd, Horlicks Ltd, Huntley & Palmers Ltd, Lovell & Christmas Ltd, John Lusty Ltd, Maconochie Brothers Ltd, Marmite Ltd, The Nestle Co. Ltd, James Pascall Ltd, John F. Renshaw & Co. Standard Brands Ltd, St Martin Preserving Co. Ltd, Vitamins Ltd, A. Wander Ltd, Weston Biscuit Co. Ltd.

Electrical Equipment Audio-Bristol, Avo Ltd, Chloride Batteries Ltd, General Electric Co. Ltd, Mullard Ltd, Standard Telephones & Cables Ltd, Wolf Electric Tools Ltd.

Medical Aspro Nicholas Ltd, John Bell, Hills & Lucas Ltd, British Drug Houses Ltd, Parke Davis & Co. Ltd, Evans Medical Ltd, D. & W. Gibbs Ltd, Glaxo Laboratories Ltd, Johnson & Johnson, Keeler Optical Products Ltd, Lederie Laboratories, May & Baker Ltd, Chas. F. Thackray Ltd, John Wright & Sons Ltd

Miscellaneous Associated Wholesale Stationers Ltd, B.K. Beaulah & Co. Ltd, Biro Swann Ltd, Bristol Typewriters Ltd, British American Optical Co. Ltd, British Patent Perforated Paper Co. Ltd, Henry Browne & Son Ltd, Chubb & Sons Ltd, Colodense Ltd, John Dickinson & Co. Ltd, Finch & Godwin Ltd, Charles Frank Ltd, Nuway Manufacturing Co. Ltd, Polarizers (U.K.) Ltd, D.H. Reis Ltd, Rodania Ltd, Ronson Products Ltd, Rozalex Ltd, Stanley Tools Ltd, William Tell & Sons Ltd, Thermos Ltd, Tools & Housecraft Ltd, Vickers-Armstrong Ltd, Weathertex Ltd, Westclox Ltd, W.D. & H.O. Wills & Co. Ltd.

Organisations and Official  UK The Automobile Association, British Dental Hospital, Bristol Department of Public Health, Bristol Incorporated Chamber of Commerce & Shipping, Bristol Royal Infirmary, British India Steam Navigation Co. Chief Constable of Bristol, The Commonwealth Relations Office, The Embassy of the Republic of Bolivia, The Foreign Office, The Indian High Commission, The International Labour Office, London School of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, National Provincial Bank Ltd, Phoenix Assurance Co. Ltd, United Kingdom Information Service.

Overseas  H.M. Embassies & Consulates Overseas, The British Council, U.K. Deputy High Commission Bombay, Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics Poona, Armed Forces Medical Institute Poona, World Health Organisation, Kondhawa Leper Colony, Department of Antiquities Government of India, Caltex India, Sanghi Bros Indore, Colletts Bros. Colombo, Royal Rotterdam Lloyd, United Nations Andean Mission, Office of the U.N. Resident Representative La Paz, Ministries of the Government of Bolivia, Bolivian Development Corporation, Bolivian Mining Corporation, Bolivian State Petroleum Resources, General Hospital Miraflores La Paz, Shell-Boliviana, Linale & Weiss La Paz, Antofagasta-Bolivia Railway, Gulf Petroleum Bolivia, Casa Kavlin La Paz

Esso Peru, Flota Mercantil Gran Colombiana, Shell Canada, Imperial Tobacco Canada, Austin Sales & Service Ltd


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